I have had such a great time here in Florida, but as my vacation slowly comes to an end, I know its time to get back into my routine. This week I am doing a mixture of cardio and HIIT. I even linked a partner workout that my sister-in-law created. (BLOG: FaithfullyFitARMY) It can be done on your own too. I am STILL sore from it.
If you are a subscriber this is already in your inbox (or in your promotions folder). You will get this email every week along with all of my workouts.
If I don’t see or talk to you all before next week, I want to wish you a Happy Easter! Jesus has Risen! He died on the cross so that ALL of us could go to heaven. There is nothing we can do to change His mind. You are enough.
Get me the weekly workout plan for 3.26-3.31
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