Exercise has always been a part of my life and will continue to be a part of my life even as a mom. It was really hard for me to take time out of my day to workout when first becoming a mom because I felt guilty and selfish, when in fact I have been reminded by the many amazing moms in my life that it is the opposite and not selfish. I am working out so that I can be healthy and strong for my kids! I also want to set an example to them of a healthy relationship between life and fitness. My parents were athletes when they were young and my brothers and I were involved in sports all the way through college. I love that they set that example to me and I want to carry that on to my kids!
I always tell myself that the hardest part of working out is showing up and there was never a workout I regret doing. I don’t set super high expectations for myself and just promise myself to show up and move my body for at least 15 minutes per day. Whatever happens after that is a bonus. 90% of the time when I’m 5 minutes into my workout I realize that it isn’t that bad and I am instantly motivated to do more. I usually spend 15-60 minutes a day being active. I have definitely gone through different workout chapters in my life and each season has looked different… But after trying so many workout programs and fitness classes, I feel like my current routine may be my favorite yet!
My Tips on Creating a Sustainable Workout Routine
TIP #1
When it comes to creating a sustainable workout routine, do the types of workouts that bring you joy. For some that may be pilates, yoga, Zumba, running, walking, hiking, cross fit, weight training, etc. For me the workout that brings me the most joy is running! I have always been a runner my entire life. My mom was a runner growing up so I was always encouraged to carry on the tradition. It brings me peace and helps me clear my mind. I also love hiking as well!
TIP #2
Incorporate strength training in some shape or form during your weeks! Strength training is SO important and it has given me the best and quickest results. More than running! Even if it’s 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times per week, strength training consistently can make a huge difference.
TIP #3
Mix it up! Doing the same thing with the same effort every day can be counterproductive. I found when I would just run a ton without challenging my body in different ways I was the least in shape. I find that when I “trick” my body into doing different workouts I get more out of a workout. I used to just run every day with some abs. Now I swap some runs with spinning, HIIT, pilates, walks, 12-3-30, etc. I even mix up the types of runs I do when I do run. I will try to do shorter runs with intervals, longer runs but try to maintain a consistent pace, and active recovery runs where I just focus on moving my body versus trying to overpush myself. You can apply this to any sort of cardio workout. It doesn’t have to be running!
TIP #4
Take rest days!! Rest is so important for muscle recovery. I also get burnt out when I try to do intense workouts every day. I typically have my rest days on Sundays. If I am feeling extra tired one week, I will either take an additional rest day or just swap a traditional workout day with an active recovery workout like walking or yoga!
My exercise routine varies from week to week, and I try not to put too much pressure on myself and listen to my body! I also don’t get caught up in the calories and time I spend working out. Some workouts may only be 20 minutes and some may be 60 minutes. It is not about the length of time working out, but rather how you spend that time is what matters!
Fitness Apps I Love
This is where I get all of my strength training workouts! Each week is different and it makes weightlifting fun! You can get a free 7-day trial with my link here.
I love using OBE Fitness for cycling, HIIT, pilates, yoga, and sculpt workouts! Their classes are so much fun and you can pretty much do them anywhere. They also have live classes as well!
A Typical Week of Workouts
15-25 minutes of cardio and lower body strength (I use the Moves app for my strength workout). Cardio could be a run or 12-3-20 on the treadmill (12% incline + 3 mph + 20 minutes).
30-35 minutes of cardio with upper body strength (focus on chest, shoulders, triceps – I use the Moves app). I will either go on a run, do an OBE fitness ride class on my stationary bike, or do 12-3-30.
This is my easier day. I will do 30-35 minutes of cardio followed by some deep core exercise. Cardio on this day will be running, spinning on the OBE Fitness app, or 12-3-30 on the treadmill. I lately have been obsessed with Mary Wolff pilates classes in the OBE fitness app!
I will do 30-35 minutes of cardio with upper body strength (focus is on back and biceps – I use the Moves app).
15-25 minutes of cardio – I usually will try to incorporate some intervals to get my heart rate up and then follow with some strength training or a pilates class in the OBE fitness app! If I lift my focus is on quads and deep core with a mix of the rest of my body – I use the Moves app. If I am feeling like I need to rest I will rest on this day!
This is my quick and efficient day! I will do a 20-minute HIIT class in the OBE fitness app and then some deep-core work or if the weather is super nice I will go on a long walk or a run!
Rest day