Tall Blonde Bell Top 5: April

May 10, 2024


0 shares Share Tweet Pin I hope you all are having an amazing May so far, and while it’s been a busy start to the month, you know I couldn’t miss out on sharing my April top 5 with you! In case you missed it, the Tall Blonde Bell top 5 is a new series […]


I hope you all are having an amazing May so far, and while it’s been a busy start to the month, you know I couldn’t miss out on sharing my April top 5 with you! In case you missed it, the Tall Blonde Bell top 5 is a new series I’m doing where I share my top 5 items from the month, from fashion to wellness to baby things, you’ll always find a mix of products I’m loving and used all month!

This month, you’ll find the jeans I can’t stop wearing, gut health supplements, a new wellness find for Blake, and more!

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