My Goals and Resolutions for 2025

January 3, 2025


1 shares Share Tweet Pin Happy New Year! While it’s sad that the holidays are over, I always love the start of a new year because it usually pushes us to think about the goals we want to accomplish, big or small, and any changes or resolutions we want to make in our lives. It […]


Happy New Year! While it’s sad that the holidays are over, I always love the start of a new year because it usually pushes us to think about the goals we want to accomplish, big or small, and any changes or resolutions we want to make in our lives. It can also bring a lot of pressure, so if you’re starting this year a little slower, that’s okay too! It’s so important to do what’s best for you, and for me, that was sitting down and spending some time jotting down my goals for 2025 plus a mini bucket list with things I want to do or accomplish this year. If you need a little inspiration for your own 2025 goals or just want to see what’s on my list, keep reading for everything I’ll be working on this year!

My 2025 Goals


To be more present and intentional going into each day, week, and month.

Since having Blake, I have been forced to be wiser with my time, which has helped me create boundaries with work.  I am not going to lie, it was and is still difficult at times to balance being a mom and a full-time business owner.  I struggle majorly with mom guilt while also knowing when to “close my laptop” for the day.  I have gotten much better over the year but there is still room for improvement.  I would love to not feel like I am always surviving versus thriving.  It is not as much as scaling back but rather being disciplined with my time. I would love to get into a better habit of waking up an hour early before Blake wakes up to get a head start on my day.  Part of me even sharing my goals with you all helps me be more intentional.  Sure I have always had some goals each year but there is a difference when I actually write them down and take the time to slow down and reflect on what I want to improve on and fine-tune this year.


To not be afraid to branch out to new ideas and start new things.

Part of why I love my job is that there is so much freedom to be creative.  I tried to branch out of my usual comfort zone this year with content and started posting more without putting too much pressure on myself.  I would say this is one of the things I am so glad I did in 2024 and it changed my business completely!! It also brought me so much joy to create styling videos that showed how to maximize pieces in your closet.  It felt more purposeful than what I shared in the past.  My goal for 2025 is to continue to do that but to stretch even further with content.  I would love to do more sustainable content.  I loved what I did last year but it did become a tad overwhelming towards the end because filming 2-3 reels took hours.  I would love to branch out and share daily outfits and more lifestyle content as well. I definitely plan on keeping my styling one item X amount of ways videos but I would love to add new content!  I am not sure what the future holds and what that looks like exactly but I am excited to experiment the next couple of months!

Another thing that I am excited about this year is launching my own brand! I don’t want to give too many details away because we are still in the final stages of development but this project has been a 2.5-year journey! I couldn’t be more excited but also terrified! My goal is to go into this new chapter confident and intentional!


To spend more time talking to God, get back into journaling, and be intentional with quiet time each day. 

Motherhood took a hit in this area of my life. I have learned that I had so much extra time before becoming a mom and now that I have a tiny human to take care of every single minute matters in the day. One area that I am embarrassed to say I have been slacking on is spending time with Jesus every day.  What has really convicted me is that I technically do have time to spend with Jesus each day,  I am just not intentional about it.  I actually have found the days that I take 10-15 minutes either journaling, reading my Bible, praying, or just being still I actually feel more motivated to get through the day.  As of right now, my short-term goal is to be in bed 30 minutes earlier each day and to spend that time journaling, reading, and praying.  I have found that staying up later has far fewer benefits anyway and I always feel better going to bed earlier. 

A tip for new mamas: one hack I learned from a friend is to sneak in prayer time while nursing or feeding your baby.  I still do this but since Blake isn’t nursing anymore I only have the time to do this when putting her to bed at night. I would pray over Blake, Mike, our marriage, us as parents, things I am thankful for, and anything that has been heavy on my heart. 


To continue to build deep core strength. 

Ever since getting pregnant and giving birth, I have learned the value of a strong deep core.  It sounds so random but doing deep core exercises versus “ab exercises” has transformed my physical health! I have been going to a pelvic floor therapist this past year and we have been working on the different imbalances I have going on physically.  I have learned that I wasn’t really using my full core and relying on certain muscles when working out or doing daily life.  I made a goal last year to do pilates every week and since making this change I have noticed less back pain, fewer injuries, more stamina, and better posture!  My goal for 2025 is to maintain this habit and to do my stretches every week as well.  I have been loving the pilates classes in the Obe Fitness app.  Mary Wolff is my favorite instructor!

To improve oral health.  

This is the most random goal ever but hear me out.  For some reason, I put my oral health on the back burner.  I brush my teeth and floss every day but that’s about it.  My goal this year is to brush my teeth first thing in the morning when I wake up (yes, even before food and coffee). I read somewhere that it’s actually worse to wait until after you eat and it’s best to brush first thing in the morning to get rid of the bacteria that develops overnight.  I also added tongue scraping the last few weeks and mouthwash. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and it has made such a difference. It also helps me wake up in the morning!

My 2025 Bucket List

  • To learn how to actually make a cake
  • To spend a weekend in Michigan
  • Hike in Hocking Hills, Ohio
  • Host a dinner party on our patio
  • Add flower beds to our backyard
  • Add more pictures to our home
  • DIY our mudroom/entry way from the garage
  • Upgrade our laundry room with more functional and intentional storage space 
  • Add drapes to our windows
  • Go on an international trip with Mike and Blake

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