Tall Blonde Bell Top 5: May

June 7, 2024


0 shares Share Tweet Pin Who’s happy that summer is finally here?! You know I couldn’t kick off June without sharing my May top 5! In case this is your first post, the TBB top 5 is my new blog series where I share my top 5 items from the month. In May, my faves […]


Who’s happy that summer is finally here?! You know I couldn’t kick off June without sharing my May top 5! In case this is your first post, the TBB top 5 is my new blog series where I share my top 5 items from the month. In May, my faves were this low tox baby SPF, the electrolyte supplement I drink every single day, dry texture beach spray that is perfect for a little extra hair volume, and a few fashion finds I wore on repeat! 

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